How to Upload Multiple Photos to Line Photo Album

スクリーンショット 2016-08-30 1.30.53

Hi this is Shiho, I am going to explain about albums on LINE app.

Albums function is that you create albums, put photos in it, and share them with your friends on LINE.

The role allow you to organize and salvage photos which will be unavailable to see after sure menstruation of time.

The storage period and memory capacity is unlimited.

Hither, I am going to show you everything about albums on LINE covering how to create, add, and delete photos, organize the guild, and save or share videos.


  • 1 Storage flow and memory chapters is unlimited for LINE "Albums"
  • 2 How to create albums on LINE app
    • ii.i How to save (add) or delete photos in album on LINE app
    • 2.2 How to delete photos from anthology on LINE app
    • 2.three Save photos in albums to a last on LINE app
    • 2.iv How to sort photos in album & How to change album name on LINE app
    • 2.5 What will happen next if you create albums or add/delete photos from album?
    • 2.6 Can I employ albums on LINE PC?
    • Tin I save videos to albums?
    • 2.8 共有:
    • 2.9 関連

Storage catamenia and memory chapters is unlimited for LINE "Albums"

I judge many of y'all share photos with your friends on LINE.

However, the majority simply send photos on chat room and share those.

When I send photos to my friend, information technology is sent one by one, and those photos fill the screen.

Therefore, I e'er experience it is hard to detect text messages from my friend.

After you receive photos from your friend on chat room, if y'all exercise non save them, those photos volition be deleted from server in 2 weeks.

After two weeks, it can exist no longer bachelor to come across.

This problem will be solved by using LINE albums function.

Even if you want to send several photos, the receiver will receive only i album (which means simply one button notification).

As well, you can ever come up dorsum and come across the photos because the storage period is not limited.

Another appealing point is that the retention capacity is not limited as well.

It is possible to store 1,000 photos per album, and create 100 albums per chat room.

In other words, you can share maximum 100,000 photos with your friends.

Information technology is not suitable for printing considering it will be reduced to maximum i,280 pixel.

Just still y'all can share photos as many as yous want.

Because of these advantages, albums on LINE are suitable for sharing photos in LINE groups.

If your group chat is ever busy, photos will exist expired very shortly if you forget creating albums.

Information technology is easier for everyone to see all the photos all together as an album rather than opening every photo one by one.

There is one more matter.

When someone join your LINE group, the person cannot come across photos sent to the chat room earlier.

Although, albums are always open for even newcomers.

How to create albums on LINE app

Let'southward create an album, shall we?

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Get to "Chat room" of the person or group you want to share albums with

Tap "5"

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Tap "Albums"

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If you have already created albums before, the screen will look like this in a higher place

Tap the green icon on the right bottom to create a new anthology

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Tick the photos you want to put in the album, and tap "Select"

You can tick up to 100 photos

You cannot put videos in albums (transport videos on "Conversation")

If yous desire to ship videos, tap "Take a Video" or "Choose Video" from "+" on chat room

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Name the anthology with maximum twenty letters

Y'all cannot use the existing album name

If you do not intendance, the engagement will exist the album proper noun

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The anthology is created

Tap the balloon icon on the right elevation to get dorsum to "Chat"

Or tap the light-green icon on the right bottom to create another album

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Later on yous finish creating albums, chat room screen will be shown similar higher up.

Then push notification will be sent to the receiver (or the group members) nether default settings. (I will mention it later)

How to relieve (add) or delete photos in anthology on LINE app

Add together photos to existing album

Go to "Chat room" of the person or grouping yous desire to add photos to albums

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Tap "Notes" icon on the right top

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Tap "Albums", then select the album you want to add more photos to

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Tap "+"

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Here is a list of photos

Tick the photos yous desire to add, then tap "Select"

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Tap "Add Photos"

After you end adding photos, information technology will exist shown on conversation room.

Then push button notification will be sent to the receiver. (I will mention it afterward)

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You can add photos which is sent to you on "Chat room"

Go to the "Chat room", and open the photo you want to add to albums

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Tap "Share" icon on the left bottom

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Tap "Save in Album"

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A list of albums is shown

Select the album to which you lot want to save the photograph, and tap "Select"

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If you have a difficulty in finding photos from chat room, this is for you.

Tap "Five" on conversation room

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Tap "Photos"

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Here is a list of photos you accept shared with the person so far

Tap and open the photograph you want to add

The following procedure is exactly the same equally the previous process

How to delete photos from album on LINE app

If you added wrong photos to album, you need to delete them one by one

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Open the album, and tap the photo you lot want to delete

Tap "Share" on the left bottom

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Tap "Remove" to delete

Using other options to a higher place, you lot can send to another Conversation, share on Timeline, and use other apps to share.

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Photos cannot be restored once deleted.

Salve photos in albums to a last on LINE app

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This method is to save i photo each.

Open the album, and tap the photo you lot want to salvage to your mobile

Tap "Save" icon on the correct bottom

It will be saved in "LINE" section in Gallery.

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This method is to save multiple photos all together.

Go to the anthology, and tap the album name.

Tap "Save"

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Tick the photos you want to save, then tap "To Device"

Those photos will exist saved in "LINE" section in Gallery.

How to sort photos in album & How to modify album name on LINE app

Yous can rearrange order of photos, change the album name, and delete the album itself.

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Go to the album, and tap the album proper noun.

You can sort photos past choosing "By Date Added" or "By Engagement Taken".

Photos are sorted by the engagement added under default settings.

If you cull "By Date Taken", the newest photo will exist shown first.

Even so, the order will come back to default condition once yous close the album.

Besides, even you change the order, it does not affect the gild of photos on receiver's (members') album.

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Tap "Rename Albums" to change the anthology name, and tap "Delete Album" to delete the anthology itself.

Tell the receiver (or group members) whenever you lot change album proper noun or delete album earlier you take an action.

The anthology will non exist restored once deleted, though anyone in the group accept an dominance to delete.

What volition happen next if you lot create albums or add/delete photos from album?

On current LINE (version 6.6.0), it will not be shown on Timeline when you create albums or add photos to anthology.

Notwithstanding, any changes on albums will exist notified on chat room.

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Afterwards you create albums, a message "Album created." will be sent to the receiver.

As well, after you lot add together photos to existing album, a message "Added photo to album." will exist sent to the receiver.

If you lot create albums or add photos to existing anthology, push button notification will be sent to the receiver under default settings. (I will mention it later)

Different "Notes" role, any changes on albums are non shown on Timeline.

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If you lot want to turn the push notification off, tap "Notifications Off" from "Five" icon on conversation room.

Tap "Notification On" to turn it on.

The settings is for you lot to plough off your notification audio, and it does not affect the receiver's notification audio.

If y'all create albums or add photos to existing album, push notification will ring on the receiver's mobile unless he/she changes the settings.

How to carve up notification sound on LINE – depending on friends, groups, apps, and activities

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When you deleted photos from album, or changed album name, it will besides be notified on conversation room.

Although, button notification will not exist sent to the receiver.

When receiver opens the chat room, he/she volition know that you lot deleted photos from anthology, or changed anthology name.

Can I utilise albums on LINE PC?

Later on iv.0 version LINE PC, y'all can enjoy albums function on LINE PC.

Refer to the post-obit feature for more details.

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On LINE PC, it is possible to show all photos all together even yous have non saved them to albums.  It is convenient to run across or save multiple photos on conversation room at one time.

Can I save videos to albums?

On LINE PC, you can share videos with your friends on chat room, but the memory catamenia is limited.  Furthermore, you cannot save videos to albums.

In the following feature, I introduce the way to keep sharing videos with your friends on LINE using "Notes" role.

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